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Grey21 said:
Last gen the xbox outsold the gamecube, so gamers had lost interest in what Nintendo had to offer. But Nintendo saw the PS2's succes and realized it wasn't the ''core'' gamer that made the console what it was. They made a smart move because competing with Sony and Microsoft for the favor of the 'core' or 'hardcore' gamer would have surely let to another lost generation. It seems they realized what made the PS2 work sooner then Sony, perhaps they figured (arrogantly) that those people would simply upgrade from a PS2 to a PS3 eventually. Nintendo hasn't lost anything this generation, they gave up the core gamer just like the core gamer had given up on them.

More like the 'core' gamer is a buzz word invented by people who wanted to distinguish themselves from other types of gamers, which they now identify as 'casuals' because 'light' gamer wasn't enough and their console is no longer selling as well.

For Nintendo, its business as usual.  They never stopped marketing to the same group.  From the NES to now, they've always marketed to the same group.  The 'general audiance'.  People keep calling it 'kids and grannies', but that doesn't change the fact that what made Nintendo successful in the past and now is they made games for any age group.  For the most part, it seems a lot of people online can't see past their WiiFit boards to understand Nintendo's 'core' audiance.  Mario, Animal Crossing, Smash Bros and Pokemon cover a lot more than just a 10 year age group.

Six upcoming games you should look into: