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I only own a PS3, and the game that I spend the most time playing is Warhawk. Of course, im in my mid 20's and dont have alot of time to play video games. I would just get the system you want the most. If I ever get a 360 I would get an elite (after they fix the red ring of death problem, which I think they have with a new 65mm chip). If you have alot of time and need alot of games, I would get a 360. (and thats from a ps3 owner) If you have a family and a high def tv like myself, i would get a ps3 so you can watch blu ray movies, and still get some gaming in from time to time. If your a fan of MGS, GT, and FF like myself (and they dont go multiplatform) you might stay with the playstation. If you like Halo, and Mass Effect (which is the top game that is making me want a 360), then get a 360. Good Luck!