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ZorroX said:

ClaudeLv250 - PS3 had BIG games, but not HUGE. FFXIII will be First 2 mln. seller on PS3 in Japan. This game is HUGE.
Big games like MGS4 and RE5 sold 77k and 40k PS3 on launch weeks, but FFXIII demo alone sold 60k, same as PS3 was selling maximum during Christmas 2008.

FFXIII alone will sell 150k PS3 + regular Christmas sales bost with new price, which means around 220-250k that week.
If some MH3 sold something like 90K Wii, during regular time. You expect FFXIII to do only twice more and during Christmas with new PS3 price?
You people seriously underestimating FFXIII selling power.
1st bundle shipment already sold out.

Uncharted? Assassin's Creed II? Ratchet & Clank? Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - yeah, these are games, to sell 100-150k LTD in Japan. However, they will hold PS3 at 40k+ till the end of year.
The other games are like 150-250k, of`course not very big, but comapred to Wii this will be enough.
Well, Wii has several games which will sell 250-500k but that`s not such big difference.
Tales of Graces to be 500k+ you must be dreaming?
And Wii fit, just like Wii sport resort won`t give visible hardware boost.

ioi - those numbers look nice, and somehow even legit), but i expect PS3 to stay above 40-50k for the rest of year. And FFXIII boost to be much bigger, than what you expect.
While Wii numbers, well, there must be some drop in sales, since there is a trend for that. And, those numbers could be right, if PS3 wouldn`t be a serious competitor this year, if there wouldn`t be Slim model and FFXIII release.
I see Wii doing 100-150k during Christmas boost in best case.


And what are you using to support these claims? Where are the facts, trends and historical data? FF13 is supposed to push a ridiculous level of PS3s just because you want it to? Every time you get an opposing answer you just go "NUH UH!" and then raise your prediction.

And ore ROFFLES. Why the HELL would something like Assassin's Creed or Uncharted sell 150k? Are you smoking? The original Uncharted didn't even crack 100k in Japan, you haven't given any reason why the sequel is going to flatten Japan and blow PS3s off the shelf when the first game didn't.

Are you sure you're not someone's alt here to give everyone a good laugh? The only other explanation is that you're delusional. You have no grasp of reality or sales trends, past present or future and yet you insist on fighting people who actually know what they're talking about. 

VGChartz does a great job giving us numbers, but it's pretty obvious which colours they support.

Really, is this what it's come to? ioi isn't rooting for your side so he obviously must be biased even if he supports his stance with facts and logic!!!!

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"