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twesterm said:
  1. FFVI -- My favorite game of all time so obviously my favorite FF.
  2. FFIV -- Good game on the SNES and got better on the DS.
  3. FFXI -- My favorite MMO, I love the job and crafting system.
  4. FFIX -- Good game, probably going to replay it again.
  5. FFVII -- The game itself isn't terrible but it's just so incredibly overrated.  We get it, you're in love with Cloud and you think Sephiroth is hawt.  That doesn't make it the most incredible game in history.
  6. FFX -- It isn't' a bad game, but it's like your typical summer blockbuster: take away all the flashing lights and it's just meh.
  7. FF -- It was a great game in its day but by todays standards it just isn't good.  I play it every now and then when bored but only for nostalgic purposes.
  8. FFVIII -- Utterly forgettable story.
  9. FFIII -- I only played this one on the DS but I just didn't like it.  I got maybe 1/3 way through it and just didn't want to continue because I just wasn't that interested in it.
  10. FFXII -- Just a bad game.  The gameplay was a GREAT start but the way they implemented it, it just turned out so bad.  More importantly, the story was just so bland and the characters were so uninspired.  Easily the worst FF game of them all, I don't think the characters could be more uninteresting.

Note I didn't rank II and V because I haven't played enough of those to have any sort of opinion about them.

See this is why twestern = Awesome and the rest of you are garbage who have no real love for the series or an understanding of truth... if 6 and 4 are not at the top of your list you're not a FF fan you're a garbage fan who got in the series late and then moved down the list