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Like I have said in the past Project Natal will be huge not just in America and Europe, but in Japan as well. Project Natal will help Xbox 360 sell millions in Japan. I think Project Natal will sell like crazy all over the world upon release and well after its release. Where the developers are, so will the games. Project Natal have developers more excited than the Wii ever did, they are also more excited over Project Natal more than Sony's Motion Controller. Here is what they had to say, it's very interesting what they had to say, you will be suprised, enjoy.

Yozo Sakagami, Namco Bandai

Keiji Inafune, Capcom

Keisuke Kikuchi, Tecmo

Kenichiro Imaizumi, Konami

Kenichiro Nagoshi, Sega

Masanori Takeuchi, FromSoftware

Naoki Maeda, Konami
