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GamerOhaLAA said:
I dont mean a revival as in more games. i meant more attention. People are more excited about the Halos or the Final Fantasies and Gears. Its more appealing nowadays. Remember when vgchartz asked which is our fave genre and you were able to vote (like the wii question now). the fighting genre was nowhere to be found. it got low votes. theres gotta be a reason why it got low amount of votes so it makes me think why. Many points here make sense like how shooters and other genres improve by adding more to the gameplay where fighting cant because its all mostly there. Its true what one of you said too about how we need a new fighter to appeal to each console like teken did to PSX and Soul Calibur to Dreamcast and Super Smash did for Nintendo. (Killer Instinct 3 is still in my radar, hopefull for it)

Other genres have always generated more attention than Fighters.  Heck, using your analogy, I could say Action games or Platformers or Puzzle games need more attention.  Or even just RPGs other than Final Fantasy.  Just because a game doesn't sell 4 million doesn't mean its a failure.

And it doesn't mean fighters aren't popular (they sell millions as well).  But it comes down to the same two problems, marketing and demographics.  Fighters sell MUCH better in Asia, where they are considered a hobby and tournament level skill to master.  Plus, a lot of people in Asia play games in Arcades still, as well as together.  In America, they are considered just another genre and hard to market to, because Arcades are effectively dead or dying, and the 'coop' markets are focused on genres like MMORPGs/FPS/etc.  If fighters had more marketing put behind them and they were marketed more towards cooperative play, they would probably sell more.  As it stands, the only games that really see good marketing are 3D fighters and Smash Bros...and those are the ones that sell in the millions in America.

Six upcoming games you should look into: