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They are about the same price now ,but the PS3 has free online gaming unlike the 360 so you save money .In fact once you get this fact into account it is cheaper .

Besides ,the PS3 has a Blu Ray player if you have a HDTV its a must own for movies .

And ,if you buy the 80Gb version you will have as well backwards compatibility with all the back catalogue of the PS1 and PS2 .

As for games go ,the PS3 will have a lot more exclusives in the future that the 360 .Games like Wardevil Enigma ,Fifth Phantom Saga ,White Knigt Story ,Final Fantasy XIII ,Final Fantasy XIII Versus ,Afrika ,Tekken 6 ,Metal Gear Solid 4 ,Gran Turismo 5 ,Ratchet and Clank ,Jak and Daxter ,Wipeout HD ,SOCOM Confrontation ,Disgaea 3 ,Yakuza 3 ,Nob Nob Boy ,Brave Arms ,Chain Limit ,Second Season 01 ,Coded Arms Assault ,Killzone 2 .....the 360 next year will have less exclusives and some of its actual exclusives are coming to PS3 as well (Ace Combat 6 ,Bioshock ,Eternal Sonata ,etc ) .

If you have a good PC you can play most 360 games there ,I would go for a PS3 instead .