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Blackbird3216 made a thread recently about his huge backlog, which I can certainly relate to. I have a plethora of games I desperately want to get through but I seem to make headway so slowly. Only a couple of months ago I finally played through Twighlight Princess and felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders - I'd been meaning to complete that game for so long.

This got me thinking. My attitude to gaming has changed. As a child I used to treat games as a fun way to entertain myself and (essentially) fill time. These days I treat video games more like pieces of culture which ought to be experienced. I don't think it's going too far to say that I treat my video game backlog in much the same way as I think of a list of great works of classical literature which I'd like to read through one day - the kind of books you feel you ought to read, just because.

I believe this is is the reason why some people (such as myself) sometimes feel as though their backlogs are weighing down on them. It's not because they enjoy gaming any less, it's because we now feel that games are not just time-fillers; the very best games have become important pieces of culture to be experienced for their own sake, just like the greatest books, plays and films. The challenge is finding the time to fit it all in.


Has anyone else recognized a similar shift in their attitude to gaming over the years? How do you feel about your backlogs?

Wii code: 1534 8127 5081 0969

Brawl code: 1762-4131-9390

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club