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I don't need to deny it.
I'm not making wild claims.

So this is the first time that anyone at a gaming expo has been paid? They can only turn up for free as long as it's not for MS?

Also you know sometimes on stage people read from pre-prepared cards or scripts. Actors on the stage, Oscar winners and people giving presentations. I believe some use whats called an Autocue. So Spielberg doing the smart thing and preparing something in advance in no way proves he was paid to be there.

Tell me ow much did he make from his last film? I know MS have lots of money but do you really think they would pay him? Or Ninty. Don't forget he's promoted stuff on their console. Also they would have had to pay him to wonder round playing all the games at e3 as well. It's getting expensive.

No. You don't know and it's part of your Anti-Natal campaign.