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CDiablo said:

Im not talking about trophy support/GOW3 demo. What I am wondering is what is the benifit of these PS on BRD over the PS2 originals. Is the GOW collection going to just be the game upscaled to 720 or are the textures going to be redrawn in HD 720. God of war 1 ran in 480 and 2 ran in 720(not too sure about this) so Im trying to fugure out whats the benifit over the PS2 versions upscaled to 1080 on a PS3. Im confused if this is a cheap cash in or an actual remake.

I don't think you quite understand how textures work.

They may redraw the textures used for the menus and GUI, but those are the only textures that would be directly impacted by a change in screen  resolution.