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Here is a simple war analogy:

- Sony has these awesome, powerful tanks that can fly. They pack a serious punch, but are slow and expensive to produce (analogy to purchase rate & cost). The newest model drops some features & some miniguns (that were popular), but are a lot cheaper (i.e. no PS2).

They are fighting a war on TWO fronts:

- against MS & Ninty (consoles)

- Ninty have their lightweight jeep type vechicles. They are VERY cheap to produce, and they are deploying them as fast as they can make them. They pack a small punch, but have an innovative new control system that makes them very nimble - and hard to hit.

- MS have these huge, lumbering Russian type tanks. They are sort-of cheap to produce, a little hard to control, have been out for ages - and tend to malfunction a lot. However, they also have serious firepower (when you know how to use them). You can also purchase a special add-on, that gives it flight power (HD-DVD drive).


- the other war front is against Toshiba (HD disc players)

- Toshiba is releasing wave after wave of specialised fighter jets. They are almost as powerful as these Sony tanks that can fly (in terms of air performance anyway). Their cost has come down considerably, and they are beginning to specialise and release newer (and cheaper) models regularly.

If the Sony tanks get defeated (and become obsolete) on the ground, their usefulness in the air becomes dated very quickly. It is likely they would release a dedicated jet fighter to become more competitive.

If the Sony jets get defeated - the same would happen on the ground. Sony may opt to reintroduce an upgraded model of their old ground fighter (PS2) with some updated tech.


One of the problems Sony faces is they face THREE opponents. One that specialises in air combat - and TWO that specialise in ground combat. Its tough for them on the battlefield against three specialised opponents - with non-specialised hardware.

Gesta Non Verba

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