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SF4 and BB proves what there is room for improvement in the fighter genre, b/c they imporve in a lot of ways.

Smash and nowadays Dissidia showed, that there are plenty of ideas how to create somthing entire fresh in the genre.

SF4 IS much more aproachable for new players but still has some very deep mechanics for people who wants to go all the way and practive their favorite character.

Saying fighters are primitiv IS ignorant. I don't rly think you understand the complexity of the genre Slimebeast or you don't know what primitiv means. Some fighters have gameplay as complex as some of the most mind blowing RPGs, but the difference between this two genres is: RPGs complexity is knowledge, but in BEMs knowledge is 1/10 of the road.

Now saying Tetris is primitiv clearly shows that you either didn't think about this statement or have no clue about game design. Tetris is elegant, not primitiv, a very important difference.


To OP: SF4,BB and Tekken are releasing this year so i cannot rly understand what you say about a needed revival.