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Like the title says.

GT5 has damage on all 950+ cars. You can read about it here.

Here is a snippet of the preview.

Now, Gran Turismo 5's a work in progress so a Sony rep let me know that the damage I was seeing in the game was still in development and will change by the game's release. Still, that didn't stop me from slamming on the brakes and turning into t-bone collisions to see just what Polyphony had put under the hood.

Now, for starters, there's going to be deformation damage -- scratches and stuff -- for all normal cars, but race cars are going to take hits hard in a way that will cause doors and side panels to tear completely off.

To put these differences to the test, I took the Subaru racer out on the track and began wildly smashing into walls. At first, it looked like nothing was happening until, finally, the passenger door popped open as I sped around the raceway. I was a bit underwhelmed and went to jerk the car into the left wall, but as I made the move, another ride flew up and clipped my front end.

When the spinning was over, my bumper was hanging on by a thread.

Eventually, I'd get into a few more fender benders and have my rear bumper hanging from one side as well. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get either bumper to completely breakaway. Still, the car looked all sorts of screwed up.

When I climbed into the Ferrari and the Benz, I got to see how the other half lived. I slammed the rides into tire piles, rammed other cars, and grinded along guardrails; the only damage I could see were superficial cracks and scuffs on the fenders, sides, and hoods -- you know, like people had scratched away the paint.

Now, even though the Subaru looked like death and the Benz/Ferrari looked scratched up, all three drove like crap after the accidents. Whereas I could fly around in the rides beforehand, now I felt tension in the wheel when I'd be driving down a straightaway and cornering was tougher than ever.

I'll admit it: I had a hell of time wrecking these cars today. Slamming into orange plastic and watching it get kicked up in the air is fun, the smoke from a spinout is refreshing, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to knock off every bumper I can when Gran Turismo 5 is released.

So there you have it. People cant complain about GT5 not having damage on all cars now.