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lol Wow this topic shot off in numerous directions XD. 

 I guess first and foremost I'm going to mention the fact that Blu-ray has already helped massively in terms of gameplay, I see numerous games getting INSANE praise for their soundtracks/textures/cutscenes. Who cares if you can take them out to save space? Dude WERE GETTING ALL THAT STUFF AS A BONUS.  Sure the game is short, but they CAN make them longer, its already been proven, besides all that were still in the early dev. stages, WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY, of course developement costs are high at the moment. Games will be shorter in early developement, its just the way things work. 

Why are we even comparing Gears of war with Resistance?!? How many of you guys actually sat down and played both? My friend and I beat gears of war in a 5 1/2 hour sitting x.x;;; Resistance's single player honestly feels 3x the length, sounds better, and has WAY BIGGER environments. This arguement is a serious joke -_- that and resistance was a LAUNCH TITLE. X.X 

This one makes me want to stab my eyes out -_- "OMFG TEH SONYZ'S  AER SHUVING TEH BLURAYZ DOWN MAH THROWT." Seriously I wan't to understand this statement a little better. PS3 games come on bluray, and this is bad? Not that I see.... The PS3 plays DVD's? ummm, yeah, as a matter of fact it upscales them x.x;;; Sony STILL MAKES DVD PLAYERS for craps sake >< Where is all of this "SHOVING" comming from? I just don't get it? The way I see it, I can go to blockbuster and pick up DVD's and watch them upscaled, OR I can go to the blu-ray section and pick up a high def film. So if by "Shoving" we mean "giving us options" then I guess I can agree o.O  Now if its the price thats being forced on you by the blu-ray player being added, I have a simple solution. *drum roll* ummm yeah.. don't buy one x.x and if you can't afford the 399 model then just wait it out until it lowers into your market. I don't really see an issue here.

 I guess my final closing statements are this, no matter how you cut the pie, you CAN compress games, you CAN avoid using 5.1 uber lossless audio, you CAN cut out all the "useless cutscenes" to save space. But honestly guys why are we even arguing about what we could cut out of games? Last time I checked I wanted these features. Both versions of strangle hold are about the same in terms of gameplay and stuff, but from what I've heard the ps3's comes with a movie... how, when, why is this a bad thing?

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.