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Metallicube said:
There is no way technology like this will be flawless if it really is going to come out as soon as MS says it is, which is late 2010. I gaurantee either 1 of 2 things are going to happen.. Either Natal will come out as promised at the end of next year and come with flaws and gimped features (there's no way they can pull off that scanning business), OR the game will have rediculous delays pushing it to 2011 or 2012..

MS should really just wait until their next system to release this, otherwise it could be a disaster for them. I'm completely baffled that they would fracture their market and go through all the trouble of re-releasing the 360 with Natlal when they can just wait it out until the tehcnology is better and start fresh with the Next Box.

For people to buy a new Xbox + Natal would require a strong hardware upgrade otherwise people wouldn't bother. Why do that? They've got a great console right now with tons of games for it. When they release Natal+360 it will be like the Wii, a console that isn't much stronger then the one before it but people who are tired of the Wii will buy it for it's improved characters (compaired with the Wii) and full body motion.

Waiting would be a bad idea, especially if the PS-Wand is gaining awareness. And who are you to say that the technology isn't good enough for a late 2010 release? The Wii-Mote isn't flawless either but it managed to change gaming as we knew it. Besides people who have played it seem to agree that it's accurate and does what they want it to do. So hardware wise it seems to be ready, now just the software so that people want to buy it. I think they are waiting to release it not because it isn't ready buy because the want a line-up that feels like it's the beginning of something new.