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matt247 said:
-I think you'll get a better sense of speed in the final version since your body will move in the car when you accelerate, brake, and turn

-about the damage: Turn 10 wanted an 'E' rating and there's certain things they couldn't do with damage, like flipping down a mountain or over a rail, and damage that would harm the driver. I don't think that getting a Teen rating would have hurt sales, so I'm not sure that sacrifice was worth it.

-they moved the cockpit view up so that you can see the track, it used to be further back if you saw the E3 videos

-if you want more laps, go to the leader boards and race a ghost for infinite laps

And meh=Microsoft Entertainment History

- are they going to add the body movement in the cockpit mode?  Curious why they wouldn't have it in the demo.  I saw how they did it in a NFS: Shift video and it looked pretty cool, but I haven't actually tried it myself to see what it's like.

- interesting.  I don't see why there would be a difference in ratings because of it, but it's lame that they copped out for that if that's the case.

- I'll have to take another look at the older videos.  Thanks for the heads up.

- I didn't really need more laps, I wanted more tracks :).


Consoles Owned: Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, N64, Gamecube, Wii, XBOX360