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RolStoppable said:
silenteion said:
So whats the matter. is everyone here just a hopless fanboy exept Cadence and cant bear to admit any good qualitys of any system exept yours. huh???

This kind of thread has been done already several times, so don't be surprised to not see many people contributing. 

My system of choice is the Wii and features I would like it to have that the other systems offer: 

Region-free games and more storage space (a solution would be the ability to play VC games from an SD card, but isn't available yet).

thanx for the tip. I actually thought it would catch but o well.

O yeah and speaking of storage space Ive got another one. I which that xbox offered a HDD between 20-120 becase I dont need 120 but 20 isnt enough.

"All three consoles have been out for some time now. So its time to stop using the term "next gen" this is current gen people."-me-