Here are my thoughts on the demo:
- the graphics look a lot better than what some of the pictures people are posting in the other threads (Selnor's specifially) are showing, and more or less what I was expecting. At first things looked really off with the cars looking super bright and fake, but I tweaked my TV settings (42" Panny Plasma) and after than things looked really good.
- I didn't get a great sense of speed from the game, but it could be from going through the cars 1 by 1 from the slowest to fastest and not noticing a big change that way, but overall it felt a little slow (especially after playing Dirt2)
- I played on the advanced mode with all of the assists off and full damage modeling and whatnot and the cars handled as was to be expected I guess (I'm not a race car driver, nor have driven those cars so I really don't know). Maybe I don't know enough, but I didn't notice a dramatic change in how thing controlled over how things felt in PGR4. Maybe that's a testament to PGR4 though? heh
- the replay's were awesome, as was to be expected, but it would nice if there was a little more manual control over the camera angles/movement.
- I felt the demo was very limited and got a little stale after a short period of time (hopefully not a sign of what's to come!). I would have rather had a couple less cars in exchange for another track--maybe even some drag racing? Obviously it's just a demo, but I also d/l'd the Trails HD and Dirt2 demo's and they ended up sucking up more of my time.
- the damage was extremely dissapointing. It was cool that there was mechanical damage, but the physical damage might as well be non-existant (again, Dirt2 does a much better visual representation of this, with a bit of mechanical damage, but not much). I did some demolition derby action and was running into walls trying to flip my car and running into other cars head-on and while a few bumpers flew off, the cars were more or less just showing some small dents, cracked windows and rubbed off paint (Dirt2 damage crumples the front ends of cars when you run into a wall head-on, blows out windows, breaks off bumpers and will even have them dragging along still attached to the car before eventually working loose and falling off completely--arcady or simmy? who knows, but pretty sweet either way). However, after doing this for a little while my car was so messed up mechanically that I couldn't even drive up a small hill because my gearbox and engine were shot and I couldn't get out of first gear lol.
- it seemed to be running at 60FPS in both out-of-car and cockpit views, and it looked smooooooth.
- the cockpit view seems like they modeled it for a 5' tall person looking out the window since they have to sit so close to the wheel. I guess they were trying to maximize the viewing area, but it seems a little weird.
- the track they included in the demo is amazing visually, I can't wait to see more. However, I did notice some rather 2D looking trees and shrubs with terrible textures and whatnot at points in some of the replays which lead to a few "WTH?" moments.
- the issue with the track dissapearing under the cars happened in every replay when I was using the "Slow Spin" camera angle while it was going around and the road was higher than the car. It also flew through walls along the cliffs as well.
Overall I'm left feeling a little "meh" towards the game now after playing the demo to be honest. Obviously the full game will have more to do so I'll have to wait and see and probably rent it before immediately buying it.