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Xoj, what exactly were the Wii numbers when the 360 couldn't reach it? I'm sure they were much higher than they are now.. AS was said in another thread, Wii has done 1 Million EVERY 3 weeks, as an average for it's entire lifespan, the same as Sony has been able to do for the last 3 weeks. It's not that great when you consider that fact.

You also have to consider the fact that this was a $100 price cut on one of the most expensive consoles in history going into the holidays.

Also just to make sure I make my point:

US, January 14, 2004 - Nintendo's vice president of corporate affairs recently returned from time off with her newborn daughter and updated us on GameCube sales in the US, some developments for 2004 and more. She also used her powerful Jedi mind tricks to make us believe she was giving us new information on the future when in fact she was merely dodging our questions. Following that interview:

IGNcube: So tell us, why is everyone at Nintendo so happy?

Perrin Kaplan: Well, number-one we did incredibly well in 2003 on both of our hardware systems. In fact, we basically won 2003 and moved ourselves to the number two spot and Microsoft's Xbox to number three.

IGNcube: And this is in the US or is this worldwide?

Perrin: In the US.

IGNcube: That's excellent news. Congratulations. So let's go over this from the beginning. How were December GameCube sales?

Perrin: Year-on-year we were up 68.5% [in December] based on units sold. We sold about 1.1 million GameCubes in December. We did a little under half a million in December of last year by comparison. For the whole year we were up 35%. Our competitors were both in the negative.

IGNcube: Wow, that's fantastic news.

Perrin: It's really good.

IGNcube: How about GameCube life-to-date sales in the US?

Perrin: We're at 6.8 million GameCubes sold in the US life-to-date and we sold about 3.17 million of those this year.

IGNcube: Excellent. That's in the US though. What about global sales?

Perrin: On global sales, I don't know if you saw but Iwata made a comment to Reuters that our global holiday sales were up 70% year-on-year.