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All of you who dislike walmart can soon shop at Tesco, as they are targeting the US for the next major expansion.

I wish I bought shares in it 8 years ago.  Do a search on Tesco and you'll see that Walmart might be in for a nice challenge in  a few years time :)

Can a retailer really control what you buy? Well you can only buy what they stock :)

I guess in the UK if Tesco and The Dixons Group (DSG) both sold really cheap HD-DVD drives  eg £100 combined with a blockbuster HDDVD it could have a large effect on the market - but this seems very unlikely to happen.

I believe Toshiba will have to win the war on it's own RRP price, still Tesco does have a large "own brand" it's not impossible, and if packaged/advertised well it could sell.

Tesco owns a larger % of the UK market then Walmart has in the US. Could Toshiba target each major retailer and help them do "own brands"? Umm sounds  a bit crazy to me, but it would be very impressive if they pulled something like that off :)


"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"