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I'll be honest, I think GT5's delay has more to do with FFXIII then anything else.

Remember, there was going to be an announcement about the game at GamesCom, but it was pulled last minute. We then discovered at rouhgly the same time that SE planned to announce the release date for FXIII on September 8th.

Remember, up until his point, we had countless retailers leaking a December release date for GT5, including bundles, the works. Then SE announces a December date for FFXIII, and GT suddenly gets pushed back, despite countless retailers, insiders, etc. leaking a 2009 release date. Even the brochures at GamesCom said 2009.

You don't want the ps3's two biggest games ever in Japan dropping within a week of each other, and a delay for Japan obviously means a delay worldwide.

That being said, the ps3 isn't looking bad this holiday by any means. Sure, they lack a true system seller for the holiday period, but the Slim and price cut will do more than any game ever could have, and they still have FFXIII in Japan, which will move a couple of hundred thousand consoles alone.

As far as games that gamers will enjoy, the ps3 still has a variety of good exclusives this Fall, ranging from Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, and Ratchet & Clank, to Afrika, EyePet, and SingStar: Michael Jackson.