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@ Lost tears of Kain

"profits for the victory of the console maker yes, but victory for the console owner is attach rates because attachment rates lead to more companys maing more games for that system which then = more games"

Attach rates aren't as important as you're making out. Software sales, plain and simple, is what developers look at. Say console A has an install base of 10 million and an attach rate of 10 games and console B has an install base of 100 million and an attach rate of 5, which do you think is the more financially viable console to develop for?

It also makes little sense to compare attach rates as the average 360 and PS3 owner has had his/her system longer than the average Wii owner, it goes without saying that a gamer's collection will grow over time. Also the 360 and the PS3(mainly due to ports) have more high quality titles than the Wii so it's quite a misleading stat and can't really be used to to give a reliable picture of Wii owners buying habits relative to the other consoles.

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.