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Demo is out. You can download it over here:

Can't find it on the normal marketplace (over my x360) thought. But it downloads after adding it with the link.



It's on the normal marketplace over your xbox 360 now too.

Video: Samsung 37" LCD, Topfield 7700HSCI (HD-Sat), Denon DVD-2500BT (BluRay), Denon DVD-1940 (DVD)
Audio: Teufel System 5 THX @ Denon AVR 1910
Consoles: Homebrew Xbox 360 (500GB), Xbox 360 Slim (4GB) + Kinect, Homebrew Nintendo Wii, Homebrew Playstation 3 Slim (250GB)

A hero need not speak. When he is gone, the world will speak for him - BELIEVE