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@Zack - people are shelling out $500 ... its just that they are shelling it out for the 360 and games instead of a PS3 .... To say a console is the "best" is very subjective. Right now many people are saying Wii is the best due to innovation and the 360 is best due to library or Xbox Live while the PS3 is struggling to even though it is supposedly the "best" in terms of hardware ... (I say supposedly because we have all seen a number of developers say that it is harder to put out a game on and that its refresh speeds and bus speeds are an issue).

Given that the 360 will retain its "Library" lead for quite some time (just based on the fact that the majority of developers will not ignore the potential of 7M more customers on the 360) and the whole Xbox LIve and gamerscore thing which is creating a 360 user base that will be hard to dislodge any time soon.

I see this as being a race to the finish and at this point MS has plenty of bullets still to fire - price cuts, new xbox live functionality like IPTV (which could result in even cheaper sku's based on a set top box market), and finally while a lot of people seem to think there are no more big 360 titles to be launched I suspect we will see a Gears II sooner rather than later, who knows what Bungies next title will be and while it may only be a timed exclusive given the new relationship with MS it will still have a huge draw just based on being a Bungie product. As I said above - next gen developers will not ignore the potential 360 market given that it will be larger or equal to the PS3 market for another 2 to 3 years at a minimum.

ioi - "I have always endorsed NPD and have always conceded that their figures are obviously far more accurate than ours ..." - Posted on: 06/14/07, 22:22