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I compared a Ratchet game to a Ratchet game. If you want to compare action-adventure to action-adventure then Metroid Prime 3 is more than 20 hours and Uncharted is 12-15. Zelda doesn't have a comparable match on the PS3. Maybe Folklore, which is about 10 hours. Either way, the PS3 is full of short games.

The point isn't that Uncharted would be longer or shorter with Blu-Ray than with DVD. Uncharted is still shorter than many games last generation and many other games on other consoles with far less storage this generation. Sony's claim was that it would make games longer than they ever were before, and they have not done that. I'm sorry if this is hard to understand but it's a very simple concept.

Sony says: We can make games longer than they were before with Blu-ray.
Sony does: Make games shorter than they were last generation.

Again, Blu-ray has the capability to make games longer, but it simply hasn't been done. There is really no argument against that because there is concrete proof all around us that PS3 games aren't any longer than last gen games were. Some of them like Heavenly Sword are much shorter. Developers haven't done it. Sony hasn't done it. And back to my original point, Sony hasn't followed through with their promise to use Blu-ray to deliver longer games with more content. That's all there is to it.