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mario64 said:
@sharky : Kaz Hiraï has stated multiple times that PS3 Playstation BUSINESS as a whole (PS3 hardware / PS3 software / PS3 peripherals) was already profitable, even last year. Go check it then you'll stop spreading lies.

MS WAS successful in the past, it's a lot less true now.

MS is not in a good situation, unlike what you think :
- on the net, MS is killed by Google (ads revenue).
- in browsers, IE is killed by Firefox and Safari
- in OS : Vista was a complete failure and a lot of people / companies won't upgrade to Windows 7 either. Many PC are now sold with linux
- in Zune business they're killed by Apple products
- in Office Suite, they're losing market shares too to Open Office.

All MS has left is two weakening cash cows (Windows and Office).

Even then, MS is still making 3-4 billion profits per quarter, much more than Google, Apple or Nintendo (especially Sony which isn't even profitable as a company). Also about your points:

- on the net, MS is killed by Google (ads revenue).

This is true, I won't argue about that

- in browsers, IE is killed by Firefox and Safari.

IE still has 60-70% market share worldwide, Firefox and Safari aren't even close except in some countries. IE doesn't have as huge monopoly in browsers as it used to have but it still not "killed" by it's competitors.

- in OS : Vista was a complete failure and a lot of people / companies won't upgrade to Windows 7 either. Many PC are now sold with linux

Vista was a relative failure but most people have never even heard about Linux. Over 90% of the PC's are still sold with Windows. In reality Linux doesn't even have 1% market share. Even nettops mostly have Windows XP (old version but still money goes to MS), not Linux. OSX has better change but even that is very far from Windows. Only country in the world where OSX is big is USA, elsewhere OSX is almost unknown.

- in Zune business they're killed by Apple products


- in Office Suite, they're losing market shares too to Open Office.

Open Office is only a tiny competitor in reality. People talk a lot about Open Office but only very few actually uses it. Almost no major company in the world has changed to Open Office because it's still too amateurish and unreliable. Google Office might become a competitor for MS Office but Open Office is not a big threat for MS Office.