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CGI-Quality said:
sharky974 said:
outlawauron said:
sharky974 said:
mario64 said:
@sharky : Kaz Hiraï has stated multiple times that PS3 Playstation BUSINESS as a whole (PS3 hardware / PS3 software / PS3 peripherals) was already profitable, even last year. Go check it then you'll stop spreading lies.

MS WAS successful in the past, it's a lot less true now.

MS is not in a good situation, unlike what you think :
- on the net, MS is killed by Google (ads revenue).
- in browsers, IE is killed by Firefox and Safari
- in OS : Vista was a complete failure and a lot of people / companies won't upgrade to Windows 7 either. Many PC are now sold with linux
- in Zune business they're killed by Apple products
- in Office Suite, they're losing market shares too to Open Office.

All MS has left is two weakening cash cows (Windows and Office).

What Kaz said was carefully worded..he said on a GROSS profit level. What this means in business terms is not counting many expenses such as employees. You can be sure overall the PS3 isn't profitable. You can also check Sony's financials for proof of that. You seem terribly uneducated about these matters.


If MS is in bad shape making 3-4 billion in profit per quarter, I'd hate to see what Sony is according to you, when Sony is LOSING money every quarter. Sony is getting killed in TV's by Samsung and Vizeo, killed by Apple everywhere else.  Walkman used to be the standard now kids dont even know what a Walkman is they all have iPods. Sony is losing money in every division, not just gaming.


BTW MS bing is doing well, Zune HD is revitalized, and their cash cows are not "weakling" and linux is a huge failue..all netbooks used to ship with linux, today MS has 96% market share in netbooks with Windows XP, and Windows 7 is a huge success as is Xbox 360.


Which include a lot more things than just video games. Good call there.

They were losing money in videogames division pretty much every quarter BEFORE the recent reorginization, which only took effect one quarter so far, and what do you know, they lost money in the division gaming was in again, although now you cant directly prove it was gaming's fault (just like you cant DIRECTLY prove Xbox won or lost money), it clearly was if you have an ounce of sense.

Just admit it man, you were wrong. Accept that and move on.

Ahaha you're funny since I'm the only one in this thread who appears to actually know what I'm talking about.


Exactly what parts am I massively wrong on? Enlighten me so we can start looking at the facts such as public financial statements and see who is right and who is wrong.


But by all means, continue living in bizzaro world where Sony's video game division is profitable when it factually has lost billions over the last three years. If it makes you feel better.