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@sharky : Kaz Hiraï has stated multiple times that PS3 Playstation BUSINESS as a whole (PS3 hardware / PS3 software / PS3 peripherals) was already profitable, even last year. Go check it then you'll stop spreading lies.

MS WAS successful in the past, it's a lot less true now.

MS is not in a good situation, unlike what you think :
- on the net, MS is killed by Google (ads revenue).
- in browsers, IE is killed by Firefox and Safari
- in OS : Vista was a complete failure and a lot of people / companies won't upgrade to Windows 7 either. Many PC are now sold with linux
- in Zune business they're killed by Apple products
- in Office Suite, they're losing market shares too to Open Office.

All MS has left is two weakening cash cows (Windows and Office).