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I agree that it is absolutely crucial that Microsoft buy Mistwalker and whatever other small Japanese developers they can get. If Microsoft is going to invest a lot of money into publishing "exclusive" Japanese games, they better be exclusive. Or else the Xbox 360 owners will be stuck with a less finished version of the game while the PS3 owners get a port with a bunch of exclusive content a year later (like what happened with Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata and Enchanted Arms).

Honestly I think it would be neat to see MS concentrate more on releasing Japanese visual novels (with eventual western localization) instead of all these jrpgs but that's wishful thinking I suppose. I'm pretty burnout on jrpgs. I probably would still get Blue Dragon 2 or Lost Odyssey 2 if they ever come out since I felt Blue Dragon and LO were pretty good but I swear the adventures and plots in jrpgs just seem so drawn-out and slow-paced. The stories just don't engage me like they did in my younger days (and it's not because the stories got worse. I'm sure that I'd have less interest in FF6 and FF7's stories now than I did a decade ago). After a certain point, you just want it to end. Fable II, which I loved, was criticized heavily for having too short of a main quest but I felt the sandbox nature of the game made up for that. Game length doesn't count as a plus to me if I feel bored by the game and can't wait for it to end.