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twesterm said:

Oh I forgot about how they showed how that place was run, that bothered the shit out of me.

  • How do they not check that patients don't take pills, especially one (House) has been proven to not take his pills
  • How the fuck did he get the lady and Steve out?  We unfortunately had bad weather so missed however he stole the car
  • They just let patients wander the hospital?
  • Every hospital is full of terrible shrinks?
  • What was the level crap?  If you're a level three you can feel free to run around the snack machine floor but if you're a level five you can use the phone and somehow hand those phone privilages off to someone else?
  • How come the bad rapper was able to just choose to not take his medicine?
  • When House started wailing on the annoying guy they only gave him pills?
  • Why did House have keys to the hospital?
  • How did House find an empty room to have sex with the random chick?
  • A chick that hasn't talked for 10 years gets given her music box and she's gone the next day?  Nobody else was clever enough to think of that in 10 years?  I guess she also obviously has no issues with whatever put her in that state to begin with and that 10 years in silence let her work through her major issues so she's fine in freaking out care!?

And I'm sure there were other things about that hospital that bothered me but I'm in a hurry so not going to sit and think about it.  I'll just end with yeah, suspension of disbelief only went  so far with that episode and I was glad they left the mental hospital.

Well the level crap is not unheard of, but it is for people in rehab rather than the crazy house. Of course I am still not certain why House was sent to the crazy house when he just needed a rehab facility. But yes, they do have "levels" in rehab where you get access to different privelages for being higher up. You absolutely can NOT transfer them though.

Depending on the pills, forcing someone to take them can fall into a legal grey area as I recall. To the best of my knowledge you can't actually force them to swallow the pills. You can make their lives misreable for not taking them though. This might change if he was sentenced to a mental institution rather than just committed. It also gets a bit fuzzier if they pose a significant threat to themselves, or others.

The orderly bt for the fight made me want to scream at my TV. For those curious, there is a very specific protocol for that. The big orderlies (and there are almost always ones bigger than you) grab you, hold you down, and the nurse/doctor injects a sedative through a shot. They do not throw pills in your mouth and hope you swallow. It would take forever to kick in, and people can just hide them in their mouth.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229