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tedsteriscool said:

k...seriously this is getting VERY old.


I think people who say MGS4 isn't a game and is an "interactive movie" or any variation need to be immediately banned. It's incredibly annoying and offensive to the great game that MGS4 really is (It got 10/10s for a reason!).


UGH. Reported.

Noooooo what he was saying is that once you skip all the stupid cutscenes, like the armless guy stopping the battleship with his back whilst standing on a crumbling pier to save snake you'll see that the length of gameplay is actually about the same.

Then you have to think about what the respective games offer, multiplayer? Well we knows who wins that. Graphics? Again only Xbox 360 exclusives win these comparisons. Gameplay? The fact that you have coop means that your incredibly social Xbox fans are going to rate down another solo experience on the PS3.

Why so serious?

