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Mafia Round 5A Awards!

MVP:  Son1x - He had the whole mafia crew fingered at one point with SciFiBoy, trashleg, and Final-Fan on the To-Lynch list.  He even had one round almost to the point where trashleg and Final-Fan would be lynched the same day.  It was a shame nen_seur betrayed him.

Most Easily Conned:  nen_seur - The mafia basically decided who nen_seur was voting for half the time.

Rotten Tomato:  Carl2291 - He could have role-claimed and forced the mafia to kill him instead of hatmoza and possibly given the townsfolk a better chance at victory.  Instead he was spiteful and didn't role-claim.

Most Deceptivetrashleg - Seems like almost every time she was suspected she did a boohoo and got off scot free.

God Bless 'em, He's Trying:  sabby_e17 - He was totally lost on what to do part of the time but he did his best.

Most Annoying:  hatmoza - You're dead, shut up already.

Worst Lurker:  invisible29 - Like 15 posts in a thread of 800+...

Worst Luck:  NinjaBlade360 - Yay I'm the cop!  Oh shit I'm dead night 1.