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I was playing Wii Sports (again) last night, when I started thinking what other (similar) games could the Wii do, that would be just as fun. Then it hit me... the Olympics! Take the biggest world-wide sports "brand", combine with a truly world-wide event, something that garners billions of viewers... and throw in the Wiimote. The potential for this game (esp. if they got it with proper online competition) would be phenomenal. I'll list some of the events that I think would work nicely, you could pretty much list every event hosted... - Javelin (dont let go of that Wiimote!) - running/sprint events - various swimming events/strokes - table tennis - cycling - rowing (two wiimotes?) - most sports ..etc.. With the Olympics starting early 2008, I think would be an awesome title/opportunity. No idea who has the license this time around, but I seriously hope they develop a (decent) Wii game - its a bit of a no-brainer really :)

Gesta Non Verba

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