You can build credit without ever using a credit card. I make all of my purchases using a check card, which is directly tied to my checking account. It works the same as a credit card, but it takes money out of my account the day I make a purchase, and there's never any interest or fees or whatever. Lots of things affect your credit; pretty much anything that you owe money for can help or hurt your credit. I pay my rent on time, I pay my cable and electric bills on time, and I'm current on my student loans. That was enough to get me a good loan for my first car. I pay the car payment on time. I have outstanding credit and no credit cards. I could get a credit card and use it to buy all the games I want, but I have zero income until I graduate this summer. With zero income, I don't have the means to pay off the card. Never a good idea to take on debt without sufficient income.