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Are you ever at a party or similar social gathering, and your group of friends is joined by that one guy? Nobody likes him, but everybody seems to know who he is. Somebody invited him, but not one of your friends will own up to it. He's obnoxious, he's annoying, he's oblivious to the sour atmosphere he inspires, and the worst part of it is ... nobody has the balls to tell him he's not welcome. That's pretty much how I feel about Sony fanboys. You see, Sony fanboys are the worst ones. Don't get me wrong -- Nintendo fanboys, Microsoft fanboys and PC fanboys each have their irritating quirks and infuriating mannerisms, but the Sony fans truly are the worst of a bad lot. In a barrel full of rotten apples, they are the most putrid, festering, blackened pools of mulch at the bottom. Everybody knows this, but like that one "friend" at the party who everybody is too polite to shun, nobody has dared to tell Sony fanboys that they are truly the pariahs of society and need to stop hanging out with the rest of us. Fortunately, that's why I'm here. Read on as I present my case, and tell Sony fanboys to get the Hell out of our party...

