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So do we have updated bets for first week sales?

Other than saying 130k is "lower than expected" for first day sales, I don't think you can conclude much else.

I still think it will do 550k-600k week#1.

The irony I see, is that as we all sit here and argue over this - its Saturday morning in Japan, and thousands of people will be heading out to pick up the game. I wish I was one of them.

If Galaxy does 300k - even 400k - week#1 - I'll say that is a really disappointing week#1 sales. But for a Thursday release, where the focus seems to have been Ace Combat (and Mario still outsold it by 2:1 - given no lines in the morning) - 130k for 1 day isn't that bad. Its no where near "flop" status for sure.


What will everyone say who is currently calling it a "flop" - when (if) it does 500k+ week#1?

Gesta Non Verba

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