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All right, here it goes:

I believe the 3 mafias are: SciFiBoy, trashleg and nen-suer.

Ok, so we all know SFB was one since he died and it confirmed. I'll start with why I think Final-Fan is not one. First of all, his "suspicion list" have been changing all the time. And from reading his posts, all seem to point out that he was working alone (as townsfolk) and not like in a group. 

Then we have dsister, who we all know is innocent.

Invisible, I'm pretty certain she is innocent as well Or rather, the trio-mafia gave us so many clues that I don't suspect her at all.

And now, I'll share everything:
First of all, all 3 of them never suspected/attacked each other much AT ALL. EXCEPT when Sabby found out SFB was mafia, thats where both nen-suer and trashleg had no choice but to go along with us and vote for him as well. nen-suer also wanted protection on first night, when he was in no threat of getting killed. By getting doctor's protection, they would have a free kill without worrying of failure. Then later he was worried about doctor being away. By saying that, he tried to cover up the "please protect me, doctor". If you go through SFB's posts, you will see that he never suspected the other 2 members. He also indirectly defended nen early in the game. nen as well, aside from the "SFB incident", he never suspected any of them. No actualy, he did, and only once. His post was something like "I think the mafia are dsister, carl and son1x (or SFB)". And trashleg with all the hints I already posted. From bad excuses to random lynching. She also never seriously suspected neither SFB or nen-suer. This round as well, she seems to be attacking final-fan, who I believe is innocent. And nen and trashleg seem to trust each other very well, no?

Well, that's my 2 cents.


"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."