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sabby: Carl, All 3 of you are acting suspiciously. Son1x is the one posting the most, Dsister is the most aggressive and you are trying to persuade us through you logical comments. Surely one of you 3 is the Mafia.

son1x has been kinda quiet, but the FoS was pointed at him a fair bit at the start.

sabby wasnt sure about son1x, dsister and carl. carl has since been proven innocent. as has dsister.

within 2 minutes of pointing his FoS at carl, hatmoza turned it to nen-suer. why?
within 5 minutes of hatmoza's Fos pointed at him, nen-suer was trying to get rid of hatmoza.

right now nen-suer just said "sabby trusted me you should  too."

nen-seur said he trusted no-one but sabby. and said the same thing to trashleg. and says he believed invisible. does he trust easily, or was this all a ploy so we let our guard down and think we have a friend? because its hard to know who to trust in a game like this, and at times its good to know that there's someone there who DOES trust you. so why does he keep telling us to trust him? :-/

nen-suer and son1x, im not voting for you, or saying you're mafia, im just presenting my findings to the public. i'll check it all again if anyone thinks i got something wrong?

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.