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Smashchu said:



I love how this is serious buisness to you. Have you seen the Japanese charts? The gamedidn't bomb or under proform.This is not America. From what I can tell, Japan buys more on the weekend then during the week. Why else can they not release DQ on weekends. And again, we can't tell anything from DAY 1. A WEEK IS 7 DAYS! That means it has 6 more days to sell, which means it could preform very well between now and the end of the week. In fact, the sales #s we'll get will only cout for 5 days total. You can say the game under prefoermed all you want but the front page says that this game's first days sales are better then all the games during a whole week.

 They can't release Dragon Quest on weekdays because it was selling to much and people were ditching school. You think they would pass a law saying "you can't release DQ on weekdays because you'll get better sales on the weekend"?

 And to the guy who said this is just a blog...we always get first day numbers from this source and they're always spot on, not sure why they would be unreliable this time around.