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DMeisterJ said:
@ John Lucas

I didn't say the game underperformed, I'm saying the game has not met expectations, people were expecting 300-500k for the first day and 750k-1mil for the first week and I'm just saying it's not going to meet that with these first day sales

@ Kirby 007
I was saying to all the people that said that people pre-ordered it and didn't pick it up, who pre-orders a game and doesn't pick it up the first day. I've never heard that theory about any other highly anticipated game so it makes me believe that the 700k pre-order number may be false or at the very least overstated... If I pre-order a game, I definetly pick it up the first day, especially if it is a AAA title.

U!! aren't the whole demography


DMJ  "I'm not talking about CC:FFVII or Pokemon. I'm talking about people saying that even with these first day sales, it'll still sell 700k the first week."

will see will we

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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