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DMeisterJ said:
@ John Lucas,

I know that the 700 k is for japan, I was saying why did you include the American numbers in there...

Off topic, are there Gamestops in Japan?

Back on topic, who preorders games to go pick them up not on the first day...?

No, I was making a point that anything with 700,000 preorders can in no way be considered a bomb. Prepurchased game to the tune of 7/10 of a million so Super Mario Galaxy simply cannot be considered a bomb in any way, shape, form or fashion.

I just put the whole quote for completion's sake. The 400,000 in America is irrelevant.

Underperformed? It has already sold 700,000 before it launched. How in the world can that be underperformed?

There are no Gamestops in Japan that I'm aware of. That sentence is phrased badly. There are two links referencing both countries' preorder status. The first one standing for the Japanese market.

I don't think we're getting the full story about what's going on in Japan 'cause we all know this game is a live hit walking. I'll wait for the figures to come in to make my judgment.

All I know is I got 12 more days to play all these other games before I fall 20,000 leagues deep into Galaxy. Just bought Elebits finally two days after Rampage: Total Destruction. I need to see if I can wrap up Metroid Prime 3 before SMG comes out.

The only bomb in SMG is a walking one with two eyes called Bob-omb. End of message.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot