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"I have posted for a while about my dislike of the wii. Some say, "TheProof is a troll", and they try to discredit me by pointing out things like speeling and grammar, or they critisize my VGC profile because it only shows like 22 games, a majority of which are ninja turtles games.  Those people are trying to get a wedge in between me and my audience because it is hurting their own agenda. But you see, when the wii came out, TheProof got 50$ off of it. This is because TheProf waited in line to get a ps3 and then was not allowed to get one because he was wearing a ninja turtles shirt. I assure you, I am a diehard Nintendo supporter, and also a supporter of magic. I know this doesn't make any sense, and I know this will upset a lot of people regardless, but there will always be those that cannot bear to hear the truth and this may be very upsetting.


Nintendo is in it's own market. Some call it an ocean, and some others (failures) call it a casual market. Those pedantic misanthropes think that the wii targets babies and single women with low self esteem. This is precisely wrong. Not particularly because all women have self-esteem issues, but because those two demographics are inherently "hard-core" gamers who simply haven't yet realized it yet (because of general lower intelligence in females and babies).

See, Nintendo is in it's own market. It has an entire market to itself. It is the only one in that market, and it has classics. That is a deadly combination. This is one of the main reasons why it was able to make almost 40$ profit on every wii sold in the US. Not because they were a greedy company, but because they were in their own market, without competition, and were definitely not making games for profit, something Malstrom says is destroying the industry. What we discovered from this is that the wii alone has expanded the market more than any other console combined. It's not just that there are more consoles sold, but that there are actually more gamers across the entire market. The wii improved the user base of every console, and here's how:

The Wii is addictive. I can't even count how many hours I've spent playing Glove-fists on the wii sports, and that doesn't even factor in the time I've spent on "over the net ball" or "waterboarding", the latter being an intense minigame on the wii sports resort edition. These simple yet gratifying games are like your first hit of crack. Sure you feel awkward when first doing it, but the experience is very cash or maybe even primo.

This "experience" has proved to be too strong for most, and so we are seeing the kinds of things we do today. We see babies blowing their trust funds on wiis and games for the wii. We see single women spending all their free time on wii fit, instead of going to the bar to try and find a husband like they should be doing. Another example is of starbucks and baby-starbucks, which have both seen drops in profit. This is directly attributed to Nintendo's new marketing slogan "Instead of buying coffee, buy a wii". This takes money out of other sectors and infuses it directly into the videogame market. Awesome! Yes the consequences of these things are disasterous, but also, great for the market.

By disasterous I mean this. Those children are going to grow up to become nerds, and those women will grow up to become barren, due to the electromagnetic radiation of the wii fit board. Sure, some might say this is a terrible thing for the population, but to me it spells "cash", with a capital "$" somewhere in there. As outcasts, both of these groups will have to buy video games in order to enjoy life. They will need to trick people to come over and play wii with them just so they can have some kind of human interaction since the wiispeak doesn't actually work. So, they will need lots of games, mini-games like Carnival games, and best sellers like Madword, not to be confused with a terrible flop like Madworld.

On top of that, these people will have very little real-world skills, and so will not be able to get good jobs which will result in them needing the wii even more to get by those double shifts at the local walmart. See, before, gamers had things like tetris and mario 1,2. Those people became instantly qualified at building design, plumbing, and turnip picking/magic-door finding, respectively. These are all very good respectable professions, but nevertheless, bad for the industry. Today the games are Super Mario Galaxy, wii sports, and boom blox (an oscar winning video game). The professions associated with these pay very little cash, with a lower case "$".  SMG teaches you how to circumnavigate....useless. In wii sports, you may become a professional sporter, but as we've all seen in those autism ads, only 1 in 12,000 will ever become a sportist, and instead, you may be autistic. Also useless...but a very good way to get a free income from the government to buy more games.  And boom blox, well, boom blox doesn't really fit into this argument well because it either teaches you how to be a film director, or pro-jenga player, both of which are very lucrative jobs. Never mind boom blox. It is published by a third party, so maybe that's why it's such a great, wholesome classic.

Anyway, as every good drug pusher knows, "keep your clients in the gutter". Nintendo knows this. Anyone can tell you that the magic mushroom is Nintendo's official symbol. At least, they used to know this.

In closing, a 50$ price drop is good for no one. It gives the system much needed affordability and bridges the gap that Iwata was talking about when he said "the biggest obstacle, is getting people to start gaming". Iwata, I assume, is a woman, because this is sooo stupid. If someone won't buy something at 250$, what makes you think they would buy it at 200$? It's perceived value is tiny, compared to a 600$ machine. Plus, Nintendo won't be making as much profit as before. LIke I said, something is horribly wrong at Nintendo.



I completely agree with this article. Nintendo has completely changed oceans, which is bad, because the next ocean to Japan is over 600 miles away.

For example, starbucks and baby-starbucks have both seen drops in profit, which is directly attributed to Nintendo's new marketing slogan "Instead of buying coffee, buy a wii". This takes money out of other sectors and infuses it directly into the videogame market.