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No, this is nothing like Okami. I would never have said this about Okami if it had started on the Wii because Okami's Wiimote controls are going to be waggle for attack (easy to do with a button) and IR for the paintbrush (Easy, though less convenient, to do with an analog stick).

Picture how bad Wii Sports would be ported to analog and button controls. Got that in your mind? Now multiply that by 5. That's how awkward and bad this game would be. It's like playing soccer with an (American) football. Sure, you could try, but it would be a disastrous mess and nothing would work right.

What you don't seem to understand is that the concept of this game wasn't "Lets make a point and click advenure... with motion controls!"  It was "Lets figure out how to cram the most creative uses of motion controls possible into one game."  The controls are the game.  The point and click adventure part is just a way to implement the creative motion control puzzles.