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Erik Aston said:
The arguments in this thread are worthless until everyone starts putting their numbers out there. So here's the question: all things considered, what kind of numbers does Z&W have to do to be a "success"? Ideally, this would have been done before we had any sales evidence, but too late for that.

Still, we can say this much: the best pass/fail test of success is whether the game gets a 2008 sequel.

I always thought Trauma Center and Cooking Mama (which both have sequels announced) were the most comparable titles on Wii. Depending on the accuracy of VGC's tracking, both are just below 500K WW sales.

We should also consider that rare glimpse into Capcom's sales expectations for a few titles we got a while back. The ones I recall are ~400K for RE4:Wii, and ~800K for RE:UC. It is doubtful Capcom had as high expectations for this game as they did for RE:UC--a new, exclusive game from their biggest IP.

I would say under 250K would be a failure. Over 400K would be a success, and over 600K would very emphatically be a success. Over 1M was never a reasonable expectation, and I don't think many people had set expectations that high. But certainly 400K is possible given the data we have. If the internet hype makes the game top-heavy as some have suggested, under 250K is possible too.

But don't even bother discussing it if you won't put numbers out there.

 Wow, Someone had a smart, interesting post!!!!

I think Capcom giving us sales expectations for RE:UC was an amazing thing! and if they are looking at 800k for a Resident Evil Game then I doubt they are looking for more then 400k for this game. Basically what he said!

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