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ckmlb said:
If by wealth of Wii games you mean ports than yeah there is a wealth of Wii games to get, other than 3 Nintendo games, there is nothing to get on the Wii except mini game collections and ports...

I can't agree with that. It does depend on that games you have played before, but here are some comments on Wii games I own:

 - Zelda: definitely worth getting (finished it finally last weekend, 65hrs) - 9.5/10

 - Rayman: more good than bad, and some really fun sections. Graphics/sound are excellent, very polished. Also fun for lots of players/parties/non-gamers. 8/10.

 - ExciteTruck: Fast, arcade racer. Heaps to unlock, excellent gfx, great with a few people around (take turns). Lacks online play, really hurts the title. 8.5/10.

 - Sonic: Very disapointing. Core game is great, everything else is over complex and unnecessary. Not a lot of fun. 6/10.

 - WiiPlay: Keep you entertained for a few days, good purchase with an extra Wiimote. Nice accessory to Wii Sports. 8/10 (considering purchase price/Wiimote inclusion).

 - DragonBall Z: Only started playing this (couple of hours in), but Im very impressed so far. Graphics are good, game is polished, and the fighting system is a lot deeper than expected. Heaps to do (Adventure mode, RPG  elements, etc..) - should be lots of fun in 2-player mode. 8/10 at the moment.

 - Monkey Ball: Urrgh. Hate the control scheme, game needed to use the Wiimote sideways (like Excitetruck). Core game is not fun, and I couldn't play it at all (friends copy, returned after 1 day). Not recommended. 4/10. 

 - Red Steel: Hard one to rate. Full budget, large scale game. Voices, excellent gfx/sound. Controls do take some getting used to, but once you are in - it rocks. Playing this at the moment, about 20% of the way in. Sword fights get pretty intense. Hate the user interface (especially at the start), not fond of the "comic" style cutscenes either (look really cheap compared to the rest of the game). 7.5-8.0 at the moment.

 - Wii Sports: Nothing to really say. Killer app - gets non-gamers playing the game. Lots of depth. 9/10. If this had internet play, it would be too awesome (10/10). 

...looking forward to trying out Godfather, SSX Blur, and much more. New Harry Potter game seems intriguing to me as well.


I really am finding that motion control makes games new - and am really enjoying the experience. Some people hate motion control (one of my old-school Nintendo-fan mates) and hate all Wii games as a result. Its also about having an open mind, and looking to experience something new (rather than something you are already 100% comfortable with...).

Anyway - Im back to work, before I join Kwaad and the jobless.. :) 

Gesta Non Verba

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