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That's... exactly what I said in the other thread.

To get someone interested in the product... you actually do need to inform them on it. Both new adds really focus more on people who already want a PS3 and just haven't gotten one yet or people who have a PS3 and are considering multi-platform then they dom't focus on people who own another system, or arn't the super informed gamer that trolls the online sites. (in other words, your common gamer.) They don't even mention the games names anywhere during the commercial so you'd know what you were asking about if you've never heard of these games.

The reason a lot of you guys can't see that is because you guys are the people who know all these games like a year in advance... your the people this ad is tareting... but your also the people who are going to get PS3's anyway. (Like me.) Heck I probably wouldn't even notice this if it wasn't for the fact that i've had classes in marketing before. But when you disect the commercial it actually is a bit muddled and doesn't target new consumers.