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Akvod said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Sony is a freaking dickhead for asking for extra content. F#$@ them for letting the PS3 owners to have the incentive to buy ToV at full price. Damn you to hell! Sony. I hope you go bankrupt!


So...If Valkiria Chronicles were to be ported to 360 a year from it's release..Bare Bones port..with no extra a Console owner I can justify not wanting to pay full price becuase it's a port?.....I don't get how that works....


Yes, knowing there's a cheaper version. I will feel that's a rip-off if I bought it with that price. I can't justify to pay a $60 to a 1 year late port with the same content and where my excitement for that game has dwindled down. I'll just wait for a reasonable price because I am better of paying full price for the newest game. That's why if there's an extra content just like ToV I'll feel that it's worth the wait and  the said price is worth it.

Well, That's just me and I know I am not alone.

But...what if I want to play this game but don't want to buy a console for it, why would I complain about it coming to my console a year later?...(Which is actually the case I have agaisnt PS3 at the moment...But that Red and White Slim looks like it needs to be in my room :/ )


Why should you, as a 360 owner, pay $60 for the EXACT SAME game, when PS3 owners can buy it for half that ammount? Won't you feel that it is unfair?

Why would I?...Since I'm a 360 owner...and don't have a PS3..If I want the game....which will be released New on my console....I should have no problem paying it even if it's the same exact game with no extra content...Plain and etheir buy the game twice(Being a dual Console owner) Or you buy the game once on your system of choice...Sony atleast was smart to force NamcoBandai for content...they now have something to tout about...But my point stands..if the case were reversed...360 owners interested would buy at full price even with out extra content...This fantasy world were game devs are lashed for charging for their work needs to be left behind...