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To me Blu-ray is an arhaic format laden in digusting consumer limiting DRM. HD-DVD isn't much better but at least it has less and should be as easy to copy as a DVD is now. Which is exactly why Disney HATES HD-DVD because their number one customer? Children. Children break things and when things break they want parents to cough up more money for a replacment disc yea that sounds like a great future to me. If there is one thing I can't stand from companies its this bull shit about full prices for replacment media its the one huge beef I have with Nintendo when my SSBM disc got scratched cause an overexcited friend pulled the Gamecube to the ground the disc popped out and got scratched by the spinning head. They wanted 30 bucks or the price of a new one to replace the damn 10 cent piece of plastic completely unacceptable.

So as far as the format wars go Toshiba I hope they bury Blu-Ray even though it would have been the greater technology otherwise. At least they have shown some semblance of decency towards their consumers unlike Sony/Blu-Ray consortium and their obsession with DRM technologies

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