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As Uncharted 2's multiplayer seems pretty well implemented, (as I was in the first beta) I know it will be the type of multiplayer that I play for a month or two and stop.

This is because As far as online multiplayer goes, I really only have the capacity for 1 or 2 main games at any one time, and I think alot of people are this way.

I will be playing MW2 online. That is where the game shines imo.
Uncharted will have an amazing single player game without question, and might win goty because of it.

whats my point you ask? ... I guess it is that I will have to be provided with such an outstandingly perfect multiplayer game in Uncharted, that it proves me wrong.. and I am forced to play it. Even though they are totally different, it will essentially have to be the best multiplayer game on any console for me to play it and love it for a long time.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.