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TWRoO said:
Shadowfest3 said:
Voltaire said:
How do we assign medals to games?

1-Internet Channel 770 hours
2-SSBB 170 hours
3- Zelda TP 130 hours
4- MP3 124 hours
5- MPT 91 hours

RE4 and MoHH2 (EA says ive got over 200 hours) still arent registered on the Nintendo Channel.

It's obvious that you use the Wii for your web browsing.  I'm guessing you don't have a pc or laptop of your own.  Either way,

at least someone is making the most out of that channel.

I have nearly 900 hours on the Wii browser and have a perfectly fuctioning laptop the usually lives right next to the bed that my Wii is pointed at.

The Wii browser is just useful as long as I don't need to write paragraphs (although you can connect a keyboard so that's fine too, I just don't have one)

The Wii starts up faster than my laptop (admitedly an old laptop though), and runs silently, and I don't have to worry about shutting down time as it turns off in about 2-3 seconds.

I still use my laptop a lot more though.

That's cools.  I was thinking about using it more often myself because the Wii uses a lot less energy than my laptop, I know that whole thinking green thing.  Unfortunately, the Wii is in the living room and so using it more often may be difficult.  My laptop is on my desk in my room.  I might have to move the Wii to the the bedroom.